Desperate Paleo Newbie


original recipe

pecan bars

my version

In an attempt to stick to my new paleo plan I’ve made this pecan breakfast recipe (I got from mamma young at home). Although I think I’m going to eat it for dessert too. I’ve never made it so I hope it’s good. Hey, it has pecans and coconut so I’m game!

May I suggest reading the recipe instructions before proceeding? I bake too much for my own good. It said to add the pecans to the top but I mixed them instead. Now mine isn’t as pretty and I’m cooking it way too long. Boo me.

I’ve struggled with paleo since I started mostly because I seem to be hungry all of the time. It’s impossible to eat out and I’m constantly doing dishes. Plus, my family isn’t exactly on board. “Too restrictive.” They say. Bah Humbug to them.

So, if it’s such a struggle, why am I making the sacrifice? Well, I’ve read that eating paleo can help to heal the gut. I’ve dealt with gut problems for too many years. Been on a prescription for acid reflux and no matter what I do or what I’ve tried I just can’t seem to get off of that medicine. I’ve been able to stop the Rheumatoid Arthritis symptoms by going gluten/dairy free for more than two years. I was hoping that doing away with grains altogether I could heal my gut as well. Not-so-much.

Just to be clear, I am in constant contact with my family doctor. She is on board for me trying new things for my stomach. She has seen me go from a barely moving, always in pain, patient to a runner and functioning, virtually pain-free person. If you have medical problems you should always talk to your doctor and work with them as a partnership to be proactive in self-health-care.

As a veteran, I have yet to meet another veteran who does not have stomach issues. Has anyone else been able to heal their over-acidic stomach naturally?

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